Hello, Internet.

About Launch Guardian

Built by

Inbound Found is a B2B website marketing agency focused on building and improving website traffic and performance for large-ish websites. Our team is based in Philadelphia and the Philippines.


FTE Team Members


Years w/ AI/ML, NLP, Graphs




CRO Projects


Content Strategy Projects


Web Dev Projects

the product
development team

Jim Thornton

Product Management

UI/UX, product roadmapping, cypher fun

Michael Speed


Tech stack, related architectural work

Luis Medina


Predominantly working on NLP, query driven reports

Jhake Inson


Predominantly working on LLM / GPT related workflows

Dani Natividad

Project Management

SOP and process automation, ensures successful service delivery

Timeline / Progress to Date


Internal brand name as “Content Graph” a AI/ML + Graph Analytics side project using Neo4j, a database technology designed for analyzing network structures.


Complete Architecture finalized relying on the GRAND stack (Neo4j/GraphQL/React) and AWS for site crawl deployments, data preprocessing, enrichment.

2023 Q2

First two full-time dev hires start working on project. Three new reports rolled out:

  • Redirects Analysis
  • Internal Linking Analysis
  • Topical Performance Visualizer

2023 Q3

Agile introduced. First annual client sites added.

2024 Q1

Two more FTE resources added to team

“Pivot” to positioning product around our primary use case of de-risking website launches and comparing sites and named as “Launch Guardian”

Self-service licensing for select tools expected to launch.

Join the pre-launch list.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a Question?

Crawl tools are mostly non-opinionated. They will return errors and general suggestions, relying on tabular data about your website. But websites are network graphs, connected by inline links, templating, navigation, sitemaps, and implicitly, ideas, concepts, relationships with entities that Google and other search engines use to make sense of and size up your site’s credibility on a topic by topic basis.

Launch Guardian is tooling we developed to ensure successful launches for our own larger website client projects, so it’s specifically designed for the use case of comparing an old website to a new one and flagging issues and highlighting recommendations in order of importance. Because of this, it’s built completely differently than traditional tools from the ground up. We rely on graph database technology, and related network algorithms to analyze your site and site changes in terms of structure and relatedness of your data, content, and pages.

Simply put Launch Guardian tooling understands your website better, what you’re trying to do, and the data we load, analyze and track is based around the simple goal of ending failed website launches.

The web app team and co-founder/operator at Inbound Found (established 2014), a boutique digital marketing and web dev agency based in Philadelphia, PA USA.

We were tired of website launches failing as a result of no one attending to the technical and strategic content management requirements to ensure a success website rebuild.

– Switching from x CMS to y CMS? You’ll probably lose traffic.
– Deleting old content? Changing page templating? 50:50 chance you will lose traffic.
– Changing everything about your website? You will probably harm conversions.

Even with a net positive launch, things get lost, devalued, or missed.

We haven’t gotten to a firm pricing structure. We’ve discussed per launch pricing and traditional monthly subscriptions. We do have costs associated with deployment, analytics infrastructure and operations that grow linearly with new users and system usage. So we’ve considered a flat fee plus usage fee model.

We are still actively marketing to get to our 100th launch. If you would like to have a call to discuss further, you can sign up for a 20 minute demo with Jim.

“It’s a big idea. Nice work, dada.”
Jim’s daughter
Kiddo Extraordinaire